Debate and action for Peace
Enable Rwandan high school students to debate contentious global issues without conflict, and to implement social projects that tackle local issues.
High school students from a low-resourced school learn practical skills to create peace and tackle poverty.
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In the aftermath of Rwanda's tragic genocide, where deep-seated divisions led to unimaginable atrocities, the quest for rebuilding the nation and fostering unity is more critical than ever. Jean Michel is leading a transformative initiative aimed at equipping Rwanda’s youth with skills to understand and respect differences, engage in constructive dialogue and take collective action towards peace. At the same time he’s addressing the educational disparities faced by students in impoverished schools.
Jean Michel trains teachers working in under-resourced high schools to deliver a year-long program that focuses on debating skills - students are guided on how to engage in constructive debates around contentious issues, providing a platform for healing and understanding - as well as financial literacy, and entrepreneurship training.
Students participate in debate contests, and design and implement projects that benefit their local communities.
At the core of the initiative is the practical application of their new skills. In groups, students design and implement social projects that benefit their local communities. Financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills are cultivated through real-life exercises, with students actively seeking funds for their projects. Monthly debate competitions, coupled with entrepreneurial challenges, create a dynamic learning environment that equips students for life after high school, as most target students won't enter university.
Three students from each school the program is implemented in will receive scholarships to attend a two-week academic camp to further their education. These scholarships open doors for networking with the country's future leaders, providing opportunities not typically available to underprivileged students.
In the midst of post-genocide reconstruction, Jean Michel's initiative not only addresses the immediate educational needs of students but also fosters a mindset of cultivating peace, entrepreneurship and community impact. By instilling these values, the project contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty, creating a generation of socially conscious and empowered individuals ready to make their impact.
Meet Jean Michel
the man bringing lessons from Rwanda’s genocide to create peace and promote social action.
Jean Michel's journey in education and peacebuilding began during his teenage years as part of the first generation of Rwandans growing up in the aftermath of the country's 1994 genocide. Jean Michel established the first national debate program to teach Rwandan youth how to think critically, solve problems creatively, and become active citizens in their own communities. He also leads speaking tours across the United States with his Rwandan students, where they educate Americans about how all societies can work towards living together in peace and respect, despite the human realities of tension and conflict. Learn more.